Sunday, 22 March 2009

Natural Health Therapy

The Creator of nature (God ENERGY, Alif) has created the energy of the universe (ENERGY MACROCOSMOS, LAM) and the energy in the human body (ENERGY MICROCOSMOS, Mim) to be processed by the human as khalifahNya. With faith and knowledge, naturally human beings should be a charismatic, authoritative, apapapun also in the field of interest.

When all the energy body in harmony with the various frequensi / level in the energy of the universe and its creator, then by itself it has a different ability ISTIMEWA useful for improving physical health, mental, emotional and spiritual. The life of a noble, happy and cheerful ready awaits.

Now comes Terapi Aura, an Alternative Medical Terapi Revolution. Different from existing ones. Using the means and methods to the modern, rational, natural, and does not conflict with the principle of religion. Terapi Aura can be done in practice and wherever you want. You who live outside the city of Semarang, the therapy can be long distance.

Aura process Terapi integrate our way west and east. The way west, the method of rational (scientific), continuous, and measured. While the east is superior in terms of the generation of fast and instantaneous, is also able to produce energy which is very large, and very energy menyatunya with the user so that permanent. And most importantly, how the east will never forget the God in each process. Results from two-way merger has delivered a new method that effectively harmonize your aura. The result is far better, faster, and more stable / permanent than traditional methods that are frequently offered Paranormal. Why? Because in this method involves all penyelarasan PANCA indra, the entire gland function and a vital organ such as brain, heart, tuberculosis, viscera, and bones. As a medical practitioner, of course I was not provided solid play dishonest mix poke method therapy. It took many years to observe, try, while searching for references. It is incalculable cost, time, and especially the sense of PD, to formulate a system of therapy that provides benefits for users.
Many of my colleagues, and perhaps you also, who wonder why a medical practitioner who is well established as I want to be bothered menekuni scientific aura, the field by most of the people still regarded as mystical. I just laugh. If they know that the success that I've got YME is a blessing of God, who has fit my aura. If they know that science does not have Aura relationship with the world at all mystical or heresy. Indeed, Aura Science, as well as hypnotic and bioenergi, often as a mystical disalahpahami. Indeed, the Aura is a medical psychological, chemical, and physical expressions. Detection Aura Science is also not much different from the Photo and USG rays. This was evidenced by Prof.. R. Kirlian from Russia in the year 1935. In the countries of Eastern Europe and China, Terapi Aura since 1970s has been widely used in hospitals to treat medical patients who have experienced psychological symptoms, but also to reduce the side effects of medicines chemical. In the United States, Science Aura was also examined in depth. S. Karagulla, MD in the year 60an have found about "the energy field around the human being." While this research are still carried out among others at the National Institute Of Health Maryland. In fact, in each of the NASA astronaut selection process, there is an aura of experts in the recruitment team.

Medical world behind Indonesia may be spelled in applying this knowledge. In fact much earlier, in the year 980-1037, Ibn Sina / Avicenna, the father of modern medicine is the importance of Arab colors in diagnosis and treatment of disease. According to him, signs of disease in the body can be identified from the color auranya.

A medical research in India has produced interesting findings. This study shows that not only healing the wounds faster recovery Terapi conducted with aura, but also that the rejection factor in skin pencangkokan lost in total. Many of the evidence complete with photos show how effective Terapi Aura help the task of a surgeon faces, how he faces someone who merestorasi destroyed due to accidents or disepak horse, so that they can recover as usual. Research on Terapi aura of life energy as the speed of self-recovery mechanism has to be the nature of the body of conclusive evidence showing that Terapi Aura does not have any iota of effect damage on living creatures, there are no harmful side effects of chemotherapy, the recovery time is very short and there are no injuries or a tumor recurrence. An interesting experience was written by Dr. Eric Robins, MD, a medical and surgical urologi have a reputation of using the scientific method. See a patient death in the ICU for months, and know that the doctor bedahnya only have a little hope that he can continue to survive, the doctor mencobakan desperate Terapi aura of the patient. Terapi after each day for a week, and the pulse function paru-parunya become stable. Within a month, he is strong enough to end the operation, which is held invalid, because the patient appeared to have recovered total. In conclusion, Terapi Aura is also very safe and very effective as a means of healing.

I interested in a matter of deep knowledge of aura is not separated from the experience of my life. Alhamdulillah, I was born from the combatants and families jawara persilatan (ciee!). Since little has been normal to see my father, uncle, brother, teteh (ups, koq similar car ad ya!) Practice in the moment energy, etc.. My own study is not too serious so-so, more important pursue ideals become a doctor. Even for a penyelarasan by kakekpun, I Go with the half-hearted because of free refuse ortu encouragement. At that time I do not yet realize the benefits. If a student ever since until a few years ago I survived tawuran's armed, I was just good fortune. I often drag (biker sejati know hehe) and had fallen from the motorcycle, but only little scuffed, it's because I fall in the soft pas (where there is asphalt road and a soft rock?). If until now every day there is always the guy who ngajak dating, I was somewhat astonished. Lha wong many men, a more saucy, Macho, and rich compared to me. I also do not quasi Playboy ngajak acquaintances or deliberately pursuing sex. How can I get a job and position without the need nyogok like my other colleagues, and ditawari position in some clinics have been without, I was also because I pinter (IP 4 koq sampe gak brani ngaku pinter). Until one day I realized that all the ease and grace of God does not come across. One of the events that bring my wife when I have problems working. Because the work place is too far away, he wanted to move closer to the place. Almost a year after the permission to move him, not too little restu Kyai khos already requested, but did not score as well. I cobakan a fraudulent method penyelarasan aura that I know. Eh, who was angry when love is found, change-friendly and ACC. My other methods cobakan again each time he would come to other institutions. Ease that is again repeated. Overall smoothly, thoroughly tass wes ewes ewes bablas angine. The strange, the people who never do wrong to me and the family, with a career threatening, menebar slander, take advantage of the power to impose the will, etc., seem kuwalat. What did he turn himself about. It's a sick weight permanently, there is a down position. In fact I've never been ugly to bless them. Moreover, to philanderer santet. Naudzubillahimindzalik! I am so confident that the energy luck, success, healing and protection can be transmitted. Just like a car battery is weak and can not distarter, can turn back after obtaining assistance from the car battery that has been filled full.

After several mencobakan the relatives and friends (sorry bro, I ell jadiin rabbit experiment), so I added PD. And encouragement with those who have felt the changes in his life that, I prepared to disseminate this Terapi Aura to anyone who needs. For those who's fate has not been lucky, unemployment, the difficult job search, which is only PHK, which mate to drag, drop the value of school, women who are often averse Dilecehkan or raped insyallah Terapi aura can change bad luck, failure, halt, setbacks into success, safety, and dignity.

This is what I do in one session Terapi Aura:
1. With a special frequency sound waves, to menstarter generator and a body that affect the aura so ready to diselaraskan.
2. With special mediation that we hide in the body directly to the patient, fill out and strengthen the function generator and a body is.
3. Then the patient provided practical tools to maintain, consolidate and change the aura for different purposes. This is useful when a patient when the page sdg experience problems, bete, pesky, difficult to sleep, less passionate, no appetite, would appear in public, etc.. Guaranteed, only 5 minutes occurred in the physical changes, mood, mental, and emotional to be back healthy fresh bright full confidence, ease and success come about automatically.

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